

TOBA’s mission is to improve the economics, integrity and pleasure of the sport on behalf of owners and breeders. 

Join owners and breeders at all levels from around the globe who want to improve the environment for Thoroughbred ownership and build our magnificent sport.


The Benefits of Membership

Membership benefits include free admission to most North American racetracks, a free subscription to BloodHorse magazine, NTRA Advantage discounts and other industry discounts, a free subscription to The Horse magazine, discounts on TOBA seminars and clinics, and much more! A TOBA membership literally pays for itself with savings of over $1,000 in exclusive discounts and benefits. 

Learn more about TOBA member benefits

TOBA Educational Seminars

TOBA offers educational seminars for prospective, new, and established Thoroughbred owners and breeders. TOBA’s mission with the seminars is to provide industry participants with knowledge or new perspectives, in hopes to improve the likelihood for success in the Thoroughbred business. These events are an opportunity to gain new information or insights, as well as network and connect with other attendees.

Learn more about educational seminars